It is the sense of the midterms in the republican cause. Cruel irony, it could also face serious legal troubles, as soon as past this point in the parliamentary elections of mid-term on November 6. Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of the 45th president of the United States, is going around America to support the presidential majority is threatened. But heavy black clouds pile up in his wake as the prosecutor Robert Mueller tightens its grip on the president’s close associates, who are suspected of having anything to do with Russia in a conspiracy election in 2016.

“If there is one thing on which Donald Trump is wrong, it is that you lasseriez to win”

Donald Trump Jr

The heir to a 40-year-old, who is co-chairing with his brother, Eric, trust family, which oversees the Trump Organization, the real estate empire that Donald Trump has had to move away to avoid any conflict of interest, has carved out a role with its measurement under the wing of the benevolent of the president. Hair forever big slick and smoothed back, costumes night blue, often striped, perfect tan, “Don Junior” raises the ardor of popular …

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