America on the verge of civil revolution led elections, racism, and coronavirus

the situation in the US is out of control. The country was on the verge of civil revolution. Never before had it been as divided on the issue of relations to the President. This was stated on air of TV channel “Russia 1” the political strategist from the USA Vitaly Shklyarov.

He noted that Americans have always supported the President, even if did not share his views. Now the electorate is split in half: some recognize their President, others opposed. “This situation is very similar to a division on the question of black slaves, which was in the late nineteenth century. Then it turned into a civil revolution,” he said, adding that now the same thing happens.

While Donald trump, according to the laws of the country does not have the authority to centrally influence on the protesters and intervene in the agenda of the States. He may not, without the consent of local authorities to introduce the National guard to quell the unrest.

Thus there was a difficult political situation, to trump complicated by the fact that in the year of election campaign, any decision will be seen as a political move. “Those States where most of the protests and where it is impossible to bring the situation under control, it is just the same democratic States. And it is clear that the entry of troops there will be considered as a step of the election campaign”, — said the analyst.

in addition, a hard situation in the US is largely impacted by the pandemic, said Shklyarov. “Sir Coronavirus very embittered people, bared nerves. America sat in isolation for almost three months, many have lost their jobs. People are angry at the government, and they went outside. Any little trigger that might have remained undetected, is now so radicalsare people that they are willing to break the Windows and each other,” he explained.

meanwhile, the analyst has reminded that in America this is not the first appearances. Similar protests were repeatedly. States the famous, historically there is a racial confrontation.

besides, according to shkljarova, the liberals and the Democrats add fuel to the fire. “It is advantageous to rock the boat and once again to attack the incumbent. They tried to do with impeachment. Trump has mastered the impeachment. Now I try to show trump and his administration as incompetent in dealing with the coronavirus and racial performances”, — concluded the analyst.