The Danish municipality of Apenrade wants to attract more tourists with more holiday homes. However, a major shipowner from the region has now bought up the proposed plot of land.

Tourism versus the protection of nature and culture – this conflict of interest was the subject of a discussion that was recently lively in the Danish region of North Schleswig. The area is idyllic, every year many visitors enjoy the extensive landscape and the sea view. Now the municipality of Apenrade on the Loit peninsula wanted to develop a 4.3-hectare property with holiday apartments – to the displeasure of the summer home owners already resident in the region.

The area is of “particular archaeological interest,” argues Ole Ottosen, one of the owners. In the local medium “Der Nordschleswiger” he refers, among other things, to several burial mounds or dolmens that are located there. The municipality, in turn, sees an increased need for large summer houses for tourists. However, the dispute has now been settled: A Danish businessman bought the area without further ado.

Apenrade: Hans Michael Jebsen secures property

Hans Michael Jebsen, boss of the trading company Jebsen, is the new owner. Jebsen comes from a North Schleswig billionaire family that has its roots in Apenrade. As the “Nordschleswiger” reports, the businessman bought the site through his real estate company “Stenbjerg Ejendomme”. There was initially no information about the price.

“We bought the property in order to preserve the local nature. Mr. Jebsen’s commitment in this sector is primarily about preserving the cultural and landscape values,” said Kevin Henriksen Hertz, the company’s head of leasing. The area will continue to be used for agriculture.

The municipality’s plan to build new summer houses there is now off the table. The holiday home owners are also happy about this development: “It’s the best thing that could have happened. There are no losers, only winners,” claims Ole Ottosen. He had previously accused the municipality of having “obtained a permit with indelicate methods”. The municipality of Apenrade now has to look for other options to expand the tourist location.

Sources: “Der Nordschleswiger” (1) / “Der Nordschleswiger” (2)