In the debate about the future of the basic backup Hartz IV, has expressed the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is against a fundamental restructuring. “Money without consideration, contrary to my image of a social market economy,” said the candidate for the CDU presidency of the Handelsblatt. Who work, had to get on the end of the month more money than someone who does not. The last, among other things, of the SPD and Greens proposed renovation plans, he consider to be “extremely unfair” to the hard-working people who don’t have much more than basic security, Spahn said: “Whoever is shaking this principle, jeopardise the acceptance of the solidarity system.”

especially in the SPD will be discussed on a Reform or abolition of the former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) introduced the Hartz-basic security system. Party leader Andrea Nahles had called for a “welfare state reform in 2025” and announced: “We will not let Hartz IV behind us.” Sanctions should be largely eliminated, a new backup should be a citizen of money. SPD labour Minister Hubertus Heil said, however, the daily mirror, he was opposed to the abolition of any sanctions.

the Greens have recently been thinking aloud about Alternatives to the current basic social security regime. Party leader Robert Habeck proposed a “Guarantee of protection”, in forced to take up work and sanctions also should be eliminated. The FDP criticized a “outdoing the competition for voters on the left”. A modernization of the basic security was needed, however, the principle of promoting and demanding needs.

Spahn wants to make Germany the “digital champion”

Spahn called for in the Handelsblatt, moreover, a General Signal for changes and reforms. “Germany has set it up to easily, we think, live and act related to a lot of the presence.” Spahn continued: “but We must have the ambition to be a digital world champion. This basic attitude, this Motivation, this positive ambition is me in Germany.”

The Minister of health is, together with CDU General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Ex-Faction leader Friedrich Merz to the three most promising candidates to the succession of Angela Merkel to the party leadership. The CDU selects on a party Congress in early December, a new Chairman or a new Chairman.