A mother decided to go on a radical diet because she was facing serious health implications. She has now lost almost 60 kilos and is maintaining her new weight.

Verity Bambury from the UK describes her Christmas in 2020 as a “nightmare”. According to the New York Post, the former university lecturer struggled with her weight as a result of her excessive candy consumption during the holidays. Verity recognized her problem, as she told the Post: “I just didn’t know when to switch off.”

But instead of resigning herself to her fate, Bambury decided to actively do something about it. Bambury made the decision to pay more attention to her health after a failed shopping trip that left her out of breath. She said goodbye to excessive portions and opted for the Cambridge diet, also known as the 1:1 diet.

The extreme eating plan was developed in the 1960s. It is based on the consumption of low-calorie foods such as shakes and soups. The diet is controversial among nutritionists, as “News-medical” also writes. There is an increased risk of gallbladder stones, constipation and strong feelings of exhaustion when it comes to diet.

The diet, which also carries a high risk of the yo-yo effect, should only be tried under medical advice. The danger is too great for possible risks.

As the New York Post reports, Bambury weighed 299 pounds (135 kilograms) at her peak. With her small size of 1.50 meters, weight was a serious health problem. But thanks to strict adherence to the Cambridge diet, she lost almost five kilograms in the first week and a total of 13 kilograms in the first month.

Today she can proudly say that she has not gained back the 60 kilograms she lost. She now weighs about 170 pounds and is determined never to go back to her old self.

After rapid weight loss, a doctor diagnosed Bella Johnston, then 14, with an eating disorder. The young woman suffers from a rare type of cancer that almost costs her life due to the misdiagnosis.

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