When should children start getting the booster shot? Children without previous illnesses have by far the lowest risk of a severe course of Covid-19 in the corona pandemic. But does that mean they don’t need to be protected? The omicron variant of the virus and possible long-term consequences of a corona infection suggest that the risks for children should at least be reassessed.

Closed schools and playgrounds cordoned off with red and white warning tape shaped the picture of the first Corona wave two years ago. It was quickly decided to isolate children at home. Advocating vaccination for the little ones is still much more difficult for those responsible today. But while in Germany there is not even a general recommendation from the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) of the Robert Koch Institute for a Covid 19 vaccination for 5 to 11-year-olds, the USA now even has the vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer approved for refreshers in this age group.