Posture speaks its own language. With the wrong movements you can quickly give the wrong impression without intending to. Find out here how your posture can affect others.

“You cannot not communicate,” said the Austrian psychoanalyst and philosopher Paul Watzlawick. The scientist has put forward many theses about what is involved in communication – the so-called non-verbal language of the body also finds a place in it. 

Body language includes posture, movement, gestures and facial expressions. When you look at other people, you usually subconsciously scan their face, hand movements and posture. This way you can get an impression of the other person in a fraction of a second – even without speaking to each other.

So that you don’t unintentionally send wrong signals, you should pay particular attention to these postures in yourself. 

Frowning or rolling your eyes in particular can unsettle the person you are talking to – even though you may not mean it in a negative way. Even if facial expressions are usually not easy to control, a smile on the lips appears much more likeable.

If you are dishonest, you look away. Even small children do this. Even as an adult, it often seems as if you want to hide something. This can make the other person suspicious.

However, avoiding eye contact can also be a sign of insecurity and disinterest. So if you’re listening to the person you’re talking to or have something to say, don’t look around.

Let’s be honest, if you’re telling a story and the person you’re talking to is looking at the clock, the joy of the conversation is likely to quickly fade, isn’t it? 

Anyone who checks the time often appears impatient and shows less respect for the person they are talking to. 

In the film, the characters stand quite close to each other in front of the camera. In reality, this would make many people uncomfortable. A healthy distance shows that you respect the other person. If you break this boundary, you come across as disrespectful or even threatening.

Cross your arms over your chest, creating a small wall between you and the person opposite you. This makes you seem more hostile and closed. Even if the situation seems comfortable, ask yourself if you want to give that impression.

The original for this article “If you do 5 things, you seem really unsympathetic to others” comes from