
Investigation reveals Dr Michael Mosley passed away from natural causes, police confirm

An initial post-mortem examination has revealed that Dr Michael Mosley, the renowned TV presenter, passed away from natural causes, according to Greek police. The 67-year-old father-of-four was found in a rocky area on the Greek island of Symi four days after he went missing while on holiday.

Dr Mosley’s wife, Dr Clare Bailey Mosley, raised the alarm when he did not return from a walk near Agios Nikolaos beach. Despite an extensive search by Greek authorities, Dr Mosley’s body was discovered near Agia Marina beach bar. The police have stated that no injuries were found on his body that could have caused his death.

The late doctor was known for his work as a presenter, documentary maker, journalist, and author, with TV programs such as Trust Me, I’m a Doctor, and radio shows like Just One Thing podcast. He was also an advocate for intermittent fasting diets, including the popular 5:2 diet and The Fast 800 diet.

Colleagues and friends have paid tribute to Dr Mosley, describing him as a brilliant and kind individual who made significant contributions to public health. Lord Tom Watson, former deputy leader of the Labour Party, credited Dr Mosley with changing his life and helping him reverse his type 2 diabetes through diet and exercise.

Dr Mosley’s legacy in the field of health and broadcasting has left a lasting impact on those who knew him, with many acknowledging his groundbreaking work and ability to simplify complex scientific ideas for the public.

The loss of Dr Michael Mosley has been felt deeply by his family, friends, and colleagues, who remember him as a pioneer in the field of public health and a beloved figure in the media industry. His contributions to promoting healthy living and educating the public will continue to inspire future generations.