Thomas Wessinghage was once the European 5000 meter champion – today he is a sports doctor and orthopaedist. He developed a self-assessment test for stern. Find out how fit you are here.

Fitness test part 1: get up and go > speed

This test is also suitable for older people


Stand up from a seated position, and then walk ten feet back and forth. Then sit back down. Aids are allowed.


The time required from getting up to sitting down must be measured in seconds.


Less than 10 seconds: unrestricted everyday mobility

11 to 19 seconds: slight mobility impairment, usually not relevant to everyday life

20 to 29 seconds: Functionally relevant mobility impairment that requires clarification

More than 30 seconds: Significant mobility impairment, usually need for intervention/aids

Fitness test part 2: tandem gait > dexterity