Italy may pass a referendum on leaving the EU

may 27 political movement Italia Libera introduced in the Supreme court of cassation, the bill requiring a referendum on Italy’s exit from the EU. After years of discussion, the Italians, finally, it may be possible to speak if they want to stay in the EU or to follow the example of the UK, writes

Participated in the development of the draft law lawyer Gian Luca proietti of Topi said that in the near future his team will explain simple Italians “all of the negative aspects of membership of the European Union which is not based on mutual help and love, but solely for financial gain”. For consideration by Parliament of proposals for the release of “cells of the EU and the Euro” is required to collect at least 50 thousand signatures.

“After the liberation from this oppressive and bureaucratic add-ons will certainly come difficult to control period — forecasts of Toppi. — However, the Italia Libera movement, which is the main organizer of the Committee to collect signatures, had already commissioned various experts to develop a plan of action, which, after leaving the EU will save the savings of Italians, and deliver them from additional debt.”

In his opinion the European Union for many years financial operates not only Italy but the whole of Mediterranean Europe, except France.

membership In the EU has some advantages, among which the free movement of people across the continent and coordinated effort to combat crime via Europol. However, these multilateral agreements can exist without the European Parliament and other bureaucratic bodies in Brussels and Strasbourg. As explains Coppi, Italy at the time expected that the EU will be a “community of peoples and not of bankers”. It is for this reason Italia Libera announced the bill on the same day when the European Union announced the creation of a recovery Fund.

About the need for such a Fund started talking after mass criticism is clearly not allied behavior leading countries of the unit in the first turn of Germany towards the States of southern Europe during the pandemic.

President of the European Commission and right hand of Angela Merkel in the previous German governments Ursula von der Leyen and President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde announced measures to provide financial assistance (primarily loans) affected by the pandemic EU countries. However, in the opinion of Coppi, Italy do not need new debts, as they will lead to even greater dependence on international speculators.

the Italians well remember how Lagarde on March 13 or in the midst of a pandemic, when the Italian hospital was full of patients, announced that the coronavirus “is only an Italian problem.” It was a real shock to the country, after which ordinary Italians began to withdraw from their houses the flags of the EU and replace them with Russian and Chinese flags in gratitude for the help of Russia and China in the fight against COVID-19.

in order to prevent Italexit, which will become more powerful blow to the EU than Brexit, since Italy unlike the UK uses the Euro, Brussels and Berlin in the near future to carry out fundamental reforms of the block. It is unacceptable that Germany remained the only dominant force in the EU and virtually ruled the European Commission, ECB, European court and European Parliament.

barring fundamental changes in the operation of the unit, Italy may become the first Euro country to leave the EU. Italian exit will undoubtedly lead to the Domino effect and collapse of the European Union.