The producers of Kevin Spacey’s new film are behind their leading actor after the renewed allegations against him.

Kevin Spacey (62) just wanted to start his comeback, now he may have to go to court. In the UK, criminal charges have been filed against the actor on suspicion of sexual assault in four cases. However, according to a recent statement, the makers of his new film are behind the Oscar winner.

They told The Hollywood Reporter: “While it’s unfortunate that the increasing negative press is timed to coincide with Kevin’s return to work, it was to be expected. There are those who wish he wasn’t acting , but they are outnumbered by fans worldwide who are waiting for an artist they have loved for decades to return to the big screen.”

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Since the first allegations in the course of the

“The production has no knowledge of or comment on the various allegations that have been raised and believes it is for the courts to determine validity, if any. ‘Peter Five Eight’ is a film for fans who are more into the arts than interested in the scandal,” the producers added.

“Peter Five Eight” isn’t the only film starring Kevin Spacey that has found a buyer in Cannes. The actor also returns to the big screen with the historical film “1242 – Gateway to the West”.