A draft law by the Spanish government envisages that women will be able to stay at home from work during their menstrual period. Spain would be a European pioneer with this law.
Working despite severe abdominal pain during the monthly menstrual period – women in Spain should be freed from this torture in the future.
This is provided for in a draft law by the left-wing government, which is to be officially presented in the cabinet. Accordingly, Spaniards should be given the right to stay at home in such cases.
The state should bear the costs of the loss of work for as long as the pain persists, as the ministry confirmed on request. In order to be released from work, an affected woman must consult a doctor. Spain would be the first country in Europe with such a law.
The initiative was pushed by Equal Opportunities Minister Irene Montero from smaller left-alternative coalition partner Unidas Podemos. The draft is to be introduced as part of a new regulation of abortion law. In the future, it will allow women over the age of 16 to have an abortion without the consent of their parents.
There were reservations about the bill from the ranks of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s socialist PSOE party. Nadia Calviño’s Ministry of Economic Affairs warned that the regulation could disadvantage women in the competition for jobs. The government will never take any action that could “stigmatize women,” Calviño stressed.