How do you become happy? Psychologist Stefanie Stahl says that the human psyche is ultimately like a car: with the right blueprint, you can fix its mistakes.

Everyone can learn to live happier lives: Psychologist Stefanie Stahl is convinced of this. “The basis for this is that you know the blueprint of your own psyche and find out what makes you tick,” said the bestselling author of the German Press Agency in Trier. Then you can identify and regulate your feelings much better.

It’s like a car that has a defect. If you don’t have a blueprint for the engine, you won’t find the problem. A car mechanic, on the other hand, can quickly fix the problem, said Stahl. “And this image can also be applied to the psychological blueprint. But a lot of people don’t know their blueprint.”

Following her bestseller “Who We Are,” Stahl is now releasing a workbook that guides readers to solve their own problems step by step, she said. There are explanations, exercises, questionnaires and reflections. “You become your own psychotherapist,” Stahl said. And at the end of the practical program you know your psychological blueprint and also know where you have possible “construction sites”. “Ideally, you then have a plan in your pocket as to how to process them.”

All problems basically revolve around four basic psychological needs that are the same for all people worldwide: the desire for connection and belonging, the desire for autonomy and control, the desire for self-worth and the desire to achieve the best possible feelings and avoid bad ones .

Many people are already stumbling when it comes to recognizing their own needs, said Stahl. “They then say: I don’t really know what I want.” The book has the advantage “that you can get started straight away”. “I basically take the readers by the hand and guide them through the program.” The workbook is scheduled to be published on May 22nd.

With her psychological guide “The child in you must find a home,” Stahl has been at number one on the annual bestseller list for seven years (2017 to 2023). The book “Who We Are” was published in October 2022. In it, Stahl explains psychological connections in such a way that people can learn to understand themselves and cope better in life. The Hamburg native has lived in Trier for many years.

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