The rowing machine is an often underestimated training device. When you row, you burn a lot of calories and strengthen your muscles at the same time. Here you can read how you can lose weight and improve your posture with rowing.

They are an integral part of every cardio area in the gym. Nevertheless, rowing machines are often underestimated. Those who want to lose weight prefer to sweat on a treadmill, cross trainer or ergometer bike.

Rowing machines are effective all-round machines that – if you know how – can burn a lot of fat. Like other types of endurance training, rowing gets your heart rate up. This burns calories and melts body fat.

However, you have to venture out of your comfort zone and train consistently at high intensity.

To see long-term results, you should row at least 20 minutes four to five times a week at 55 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.

High intensity interval training, which can also be carried out on a rowing ergometer, is much more effective. To do this, you alternate short, intense phases (70 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate) with moderate periods (60 to 65 percent). With this form of training, the subsequent afterburn effect ensures sustained fat burning even after the workout.

In addition to endurance, rowing machines also train numerous muscles. The torso and arms in particular, but also the legs, buttocks and chest, are strengthened during the movement. This means you can get a full-body workout at the same time.

This in turn supports fat burning: More muscles increase the basal metabolic rate and thus burn more calories, both during exercise and when resting.

Rowing also targets stabilizing and supporting muscles such as the erector spinae, trapezius muscles and the deep abdominal muscles. This can ensure better posture and prevent back pain.

In order to feel all the positive effects, proper execution is crucial.

To achieve the correct movement sequence, push yourself with your legs, lean your upper body slightly backwards and finally pull your arms. In the reverse order you return to the starting position.

Your back should always remain straight and your elbows should be kept close to your upper body.

The original for this post “This is what happens to your body when you row regularly” comes from FitForFun.