With the first rays of sunshine in spring, the lawn in the garden begins to sprout again. If you think it’s time to get the lawnmower out of the garden shed, you should sit back and relax. Anyone who goes without the device in May is doing something good for nature.

Spring has finally arrived in the region. The sun is shining and the blades of grass in the garden at home are stretching towards the sky at record speed. But even if your lawn has already reached a considerable length, you shouldn’t use a lawnmower at first.

Mowing the lawn, especially in May, damages insects that find food and habitat in wild plants in the lawn. If wildflowers such as daisies, dandelions, primroses and the like remain standing, bees or butterflies, for example, can enjoy their nectar.

If the lawn is cut, this only encourages the death of insects. Small wild islands are also suitable as small wildflower oasis for the animals. It doesn’t have to be the entire garden that is left to its own devices.

The whole thing is part of “No Mow May” or “mowing-free May”, a British initiative that is also recommended by the German Nature Conservation Association (Nabu). The aim is to maintain and increase biodiversity in gardens. If the number of insects increases, this in turn benefits the birds, which feed on the small crawlers.

And ultimately, mowing the lawn is a tiresome task for many people. It’s all the more convenient that you have a good reason to sit back in a deck chair and enjoy the sun.

By Carolin Heilig

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The original for this post “There’s a reason you shouldn’t mow your lawn in May” comes from northern Bavaria.