You read that right. Our mood is also affected by what we eat. Because there is a close interaction between the gut and the brain.

Why can one food make us happier? In order to be able to answer this question, you have to look at the processes in the intestine. If he’s happy, we’re better off too. The so-called microbiome is crucial. That means all the bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in and on us. The intestine is the most densely populated. For a long time it was assumed that the brain sends signals into the body. The mechanism was similar in assumption to a one-way street. Today we know that the brain also receives important signals from the intestine. And it is quite possible that feelings of happiness about food are also regulated. Because the microbiome converts much of what we eat into messenger substances. And certain foods ensure that bacteria, which are healthy for us in particular, grow and thrive. You can read about them here:

Be happier with the right diet

1. Yogurt

Best full fat, unsweetened and natural. The assumption that fat in yoghurt makes you fat is simply wrong. But the sugar and artificial flavors in many yogurts are bad for the microbiome. The same applies to sweeteners, by the way, they are even suspected of stimulating the appetite even more. A yoghurt brings good strains of bacteria into the body, it is probiotic and has a health-promoting effect. An animal study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine found that Lactobacillus, a gut bacterium commonly found in live yogurt cultures, was able to relieve depression in rats.

2. Kimchi or sauerkraut

Fermented foods are said to have a similar effect. They stimulate the growth, activity and reproduction of good intestinal bacteria. But beware: finished products from the supermarket often contain sugar and preservatives. And you probably already guessed it: they are bad for our little roommates.

3. Whole Wheat Bread

All whole grain products have a prebiotic effect, the microbiome loves them. Good prebiotic foods also include beans, leeks, bananas, garlic, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, onions and leeks.

4. Salmon

Fish contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. That’s good for heart health. But consumption also has a positive effect on our mood. For a meta-analysis, researchers compared 26 studies. Their conclusion: People who eat a lot of fish have a much lower risk of depression. The fish should end up on the plate at least once or twice a week.

5. Blueberries

All fruits with an intense red color are considered healthy. They contain a lot of healthy antioxidants that can scavenge free radicals and thus prevent inflammation in the body. But blueberries also contain a particularly large number of flavonoids. Their positive effect on mood was also proven in a study.