8:15 p.m., The First, The Law Firm: Fire and Flame, Lawyer Series
The office and Isa’s (Sabine Postel) apartment above have gone up in flames. For the police a clear case of arson. Isabel von Brede and Markus Gellert (Herbert Knaup) are literally sitting on the street. In view of their financial difficulties, the prosecutor Geldermann (Esther Schweins) suspects the lawyers of having set the fire herself to collect money from the insurance company.
8:15 p.m., kabel eins, looper, time travel thriller
Young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) lives in the year 2035 and kills on behalf of the mafia – his victims are sent to him from the future especially for this purpose. One day he receives a very special assignment: he should eliminate his aged self. But that’s not so easy, because Joe senior (Bruce Willis) has his own plans and has voluntarily traveled into the past.
8:15 p.m., 3Sat, Dengler – Burning cold, thriller
Shortly before his son Jakob’s wedding in Stuttgart, former BKA target investigator and private detective Georg Dengler (Ronald Zehrfeld) is asked for help by hacker activist Olga (Birgit Minichmayr). Olga’s friend Anne (Samia Chancrin), an investigative journalist, has sent her information about secret blueprints of microwave weapons, lists of names of Bundeswehr officers and photos of tortured men on the dark web. Shortly thereafter she was shot dead by unknown persons.
8:15 p.m., ZDF, The Outbreak – Was the Pandemic Avoidable?, Documentary
Corona has claimed millions of lives and temporarily brought the world to a standstill. Was it really inevitable that the pandemic would reach such proportions? The film highlights key moments in the first ten weeks after the discovery of the new disease. They were crucial to the global spread of the pandemic. Jeremy Farrar, one of the leading researchers, says: “We could have prevented the pandemic.”
8:15 p.m., ProSieben, Joko
Joko and Klaas challenge an entire station together. The aim is to stand up to the entire ProSieben universe – everyone is invited to the showdown. ProSieben alone decides on opponents and games. If Joko and Klaas triumph, the broadcaster gives them a 15-minute live slot to freely design. If their employer wins, they must place themselves unconditionally in his service.