Sport is important to keep the body fit for a long time. Two simple exercises in particular will help you stay fit as you age.

One thing is certain: we are all getting older. It’s much more fun when your body and mind are fit for as long as possible.

Before you rely on expensive creams and supposed miracle workouts, you should integrate two simple sports exercises into your everyday life – now.

Sport increases your fitness. Regular exercise reduces the risk of illness and also extends lifespan. According to experts, just two selected exercises are enough – you don’t need expensive fitness equipment, and you can do the exercises anywhere.

We’re talking about burpees and jumping rope. The special thing about it: Both exercises train strength and endurance at the same time and are an ideal whole-body unit that can slow down aging.

According to Joyner, you should spend about half an hour on the jump rope. Jumping has a special effect when extra weights are attached to the rope.

The original for this article “Two simple exercises will keep you fit into old age” comes from FitForFun.