Meta presents a new educational software – Can VR reshape our learning?

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, plans to revolutionize the way we learn. According to the US news channel “CNN”, the company plans to bring new educational software onto the market this year. This software is intended to simplify the use of Meta’s virtual reality headsets, called Quest, in classrooms. The new tools would allow teachers to control and program multiple of these Quest headsets at the same time. They also get access to various educational apps. Another advantage: teachers can better control how students use the devices.

The use of virtual reality (VR) in classrooms could open up new learning opportunities. For example, high school students might feel like they are experiencing Shakespeare’s plays in real time at the 17th century Globe Theater. However, VR also raises questions about digital security and questions whether the technology actually improves learning.

Nick Clegg, president of global affairs at Meta, painted an exciting picture of the future of education in an interview with CNN. “Imagine teaching biology and chemistry without the need for a full lab,” he said. Or walk the streets of ancient Rome with your students.” All of this is part of Meta’s ambitious plan. They are betting on the so-called Metaverse, a digital version of the world. The company is investing several billion dollars in this vision and believes that we will spend more and more time in this digital world in the coming years.

However, questions remain about the effectiveness of VR in education. Vincent Quan, an education researcher, told CNN that evidence on whether technology in the classroom leads to improved learning is mixed. The results depend heavily on which tools are used and how they are used.

Nevertheless, VR is already being used successfully in some educational institutions. The University of New Mexico, for example, is using the headsets to teach aspiring detectives how to investigate virtual crime scenes. Morehouse College has developed a “digital twin campus” to teach various subjects to students through VR.