Do you want to lose weight but the scale remains unchanged? Maybe your metabolism is the reason for this. Here you can read which four symptoms you can use to recognize a disturbed metabolism and what you can do about it.

Whether your metabolism works efficiently or takes longer is very individual. An inefficient metabolism can be genetically determined, but can also be the result of diets and nutrient deficiencies.

The term “slow” is not entirely accurate when it comes to metabolism. The term “efficient” would be more appropriate. With an “inefficient” metabolism, the body is less able to utilize calories. This means that the body has less available energy for important functions in the body, for example for the immune system, regeneration, strength, endurance or cognitive performance.

When the temperatures outside drop, many people feel cold. But some people are real chilblains – no matter how cold it is outside. Their hands and feet in particular are often ice cold. This is a warning signal from the body.

The organism is running on the back burner. Producing heat is not at the top of the priority list of processes essential to survival.

The best antidote for this is exercise. Even though it may be difficult to pull yourself together, take a short walk or go for a jog. This stimulates blood circulation and makes you feel warmer.

Dry skin is relatively normal in the cold season. The cold air outside and the warm air from the heating inside remove moisture from the skin. However, if the skin feels particularly rough and brittle, this could also be due to metabolism.

Try to drink more water – a general rule of thumb is two liters a day. This boosts your metabolism and also moisturizes your skin.

When the body runs on low power, the scalp and therefore the hair are also less nourished. The result can be hair loss and brittle hair. But hair loss can also have other reasons. For example, some people suffer from genetic hair loss.

Do you wake up in the morning and are already exhausted, struggling through the morning until you fall into a major afternoon slump by 3 p.m. at the latest? This is a classic sign of a disturbed metabolism.

You can stimulate your metabolism with short exercise sessions, for example 15 minutes of yoga or a walk in the fresh air. By exercising during the day, you will also become tired in the evening and will be able to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep.

People with an inefficient metabolism often do not provide their body with sufficient nutrients for a long time. Many diets aim to consume fewer calories. However, this can quickly lead to a lack of nutrients.

Poor or insufficient sleep, too much stress, lack of rest, as well as one-sided and too little exercise can also lead to a disturbed metabolism.

You can do these things to stimulate your metabolism:

The original for this article “Four signs you can recognize a disturbed metabolism” comes from FitForFun.