A man has a toothache. Does he need implants? A doctor takes a close look and finds the reason: an event that happened months before

Listen to the podcast here or directly from Audio Now, Spotify, iTunes and other podcast providers.

A man visited his dentist regularly for many years to keep his teeth as healthy as possible. From time to time something had to be done. His dentist had crowned two of his teeth a long time ago. Patient and doctor were satisfied with the result.

Then the man moved to another city. A few years later, the man came back to the practice and complained of a toothache and feeling unwell. Another dentist had discovered a lightening of the crowned teeth on an X-ray and assumed that inflammation was the cause of the pain. He wanted to pull both teeth and replace them with implants.

The patient now asked his former dentist for advice. He explained to him that there were now new ways of treating an inflamed dental nerve – the tooth no longer had to be extracted. He looked at earlier X-ray images, compared them with the new ones and realized that the brightening was already visible on the old images – but in a different place. It became clear to him how this could have happened and he came to the conclusion that the problems could not originate from the crowned teeth. When he questioned the patient more closely, he was able to find the cause of the pain – and ultimately help the man.

“The Diagnosis” – the new episodes of the eighth season to listen to

The podcast “Die Diagnose” with Anika Geisler appears every two weeks – on AudioNow, the RTL Radio Deutschland platform, and on Spotify and iTunes. In the eighth season, new, exciting cases of illness have already been solved: