A year after the disappearance of the argentine submarine San Juan, the investigation on the causes of drama could finally move forward since the discovery Friday of the wreck at the bottom of the Atlantic. Remains to know how to do about the debris. Should we go back to the submarine to the surface, such as the claim to the families of the 44 members of the crew missing? Where the company does it too much of a risk to alter evidence, such as the raises the judge in charge of the matter, Marta Yanez?

“It is a vessel filled with water which can weigh up to 2,500 tonnes, I’m not going to take the risk of the vehicle towed, it can break”, has declared to journalists the federal judge. “I prefer to preserve the evidence in the state, since the potential rise at the surface implies a possible break or cut it into pieces,” added the judge.

” SEE ALSO – Argentina: relatives of the victims of the submarine ARA San Juan manifest

Argentina: the families of the victims of the submarine ARA San Juan manifest – Look on Figaro Live

Three days of national mourning

Marta Yanez has summoned the officers of the argentine Navy to provide him with the photographs of the debris taken Saturday by a module sub-marine. The military were present at the edge of the Seabed Constructor, ship of the american company Ocean Infinity, which has located the wreck in the night of Friday to Saturday by 907 metres down in the Atlantic ocean. Ocean Infinity, specializing in underwater searches, has 67,000 shots of the ARA San Juan, located 400 km from the coast of Argentina.

The Seabed Constructor, one of the jewels of the fleet, Ocean Infinity, which has on board the most sophisticated technology, has sailed on Sunday to Cape town, South Africa, for a maintenance operation, announced on Sunday the argentine Navy. Once it is done, the boat will be back in the area where the submarine is damaged.

In a message, the argentine president Mauricio Macri has promised, “the truth necessary to honor and respect our heroes and their families”. “A phase of serious investigation is underway to know the whole truth, a truth to which we were committed as of the first day,” he continued.


Mauricio Macri was kept to discuss the sensitive issue of the extraction of the submersible. But he said: “the confirmation of the death of the 44 members of crews in dramatic circumstances” for him was “a huge pain”, which also announced a national mourning of three days.

The investigation has made little progress since the disappearance of the submersible on 15 November 2017 as it sailed towards its base. For the time being, there has been no indictments. But the drama has led to the gap by the end of 2017 from the chief of the argentine Navy, Marcelo Srur.

“We now know where they are. We’re not going to give up as we will not know why.”

Luis Tagliapietra, father of the lieutenant Alejandro Tagliapietra

after the first elements disclosed Saturday by the argentine Navy, the submarine imploded two hours after the last communication with the naval base of Mar del Plata, his home port. The sound of an underwater explosion had been recorded and located near the spot where the submarine has been located.

Since the Seabed Constructor, Luis Tagliapietra, father of the lieutenant Alejandro Tagliapietra, has expressed its “deep pain and deep anguish. At the same time we now know where they are. We’re not going to give up as we will not know why.”