Destigmatize drug users, the creation of “scary” and even an attractive image of a drug addict is unacceptable and cannot be justified “in any artistic and creative intention of the author”. This is stated in the reviews concerned departments to the claim of the founder of the site “dear Sir, Yes you are a transformer” Anton Yarosh, who is pushing for the recognition invalid p. 2.1.6 joint order of Roscomnadzor, Ministry of internal Affairs, FTS and CPS. According to the order of prohibition shall be any information directed on formation of positive image of manufacturers, developers and consumers of drugs. The appellant contends that the order imposes restrictions that are not stipulated by the law, which prohibits only the direct promotion of drugs.

To consider the lawsuit the Supreme court is expected to start on Monday. “Vedomosti” familiar with reviews of Roskomnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal.

the Reason for the appeal of the order was to lock the article “heroin – the property model,” which describes the history of drug addicted girls. Actually the issue is much wider, because active Supervisory agencies limit public discussion on important topics, according to the publication in his Telegram channel: “In August 2019, we were forced to execute a number of new requirements of Roskomnadzor. Now from samizdat demanded to edit a series of texts dedicated to the study of the topic of suicide. Experts of Roskomnadzor did not appreciate the satirical publication, in which we tried to write the perfect (from the point of view of the Agency) the text of the voluntary parting with life. After a week, Roskomnadzor demanded that we edit note “Suicide: entertaining mathematics” with the analysis of the statistics on suicides in Russia and in the world. And then the experts found calls to suicide overview suicide notes from different eras”.

In the opinion of the agencies that issued the SPOblack order, he is not against the law, and aimed at its realization. Challenged criteria originate primarily from the requirements of the anti-drug law and developed in accordance with the instructions of the government, said the representative of the Ministry of interior in the Supreme court Hayk Marjan. Of course, the criteria may not repeat the text of the law is a list of features that allow you to determine what information should be subject to the ban. “We believe that if the article creates a positive image of the drug addict and positive attitude towards the use of drugs, it can cause the desire to have someone to try them, which can be interpreted as encouraging consumption,” he explains.

“Our opponents deny the arguments of the claim, but, in fact, do not refute them, the lawyer says International “Agora” Kirill Koroteev, representing the applicant in the Supreme court. – We continue to assert that the disputed norm is used in the prohibition debate.” He drew attention to the fact that the ban covers not only the provocative lyrics, but also quite neutral studies of the repressive practices of the fight against drug use.