The technology of color revolutions tested the

Despite the curfew imposed in major U.S. cities, including new York, the situation radically does not change. A spontaneous protest after the death of an African American in Minneapolis while only expanding. Thus, any distinct demands, the protesters have not put forward. Recent events in the United States, the TV channel “Russia 24” in conversation with Alexander Kireevsky said political analyst Boris Mezhuev.

According to him, in an event notable for a particular technology, in particular, the combination of the violent parts of the protest and peace: “In Ukraine, we very well saw in 2014.”

on the one hand — police, “Berkut”, with other thugs. As soon as the police goes on the offensive immediately in the foreground “peaceful protest”, the rioters immediately disappear in the crowd.

And police are alone with the children, young children who do not seem to use force and generally just make a peaceful protest.

“this is a combination of two types of protest, crossing each other, of course, this technology is very noticeable,” — said the analyst. The same thing, in his opinion, is happening in the United States.

the tramp or the Governor of the state can not use force, it needs to protect the population from robberies, but as soon as he is trying to do, as soon as the police start to use force, they are immediately faced with the factor of peaceful protest, which all the press immediately drew attention, raised the cry, accusing, first, either the President or the specific officers who used force.

meanwhile, in the US there are statements, that the rebels are supposedly on the “Russian manuals”, although the scenario is rather similar to the technology of the “orange revolution” by Gene sharp, who is known as the mastermind of coups around the world.

As noted by Boris Mezhuev, it is impossible not to notice a whole series of planned actionss in order to achieve quite specific political outcomes. And it’s not even in sources of funding “anti-fascists”.

If we now view the democratic press, we see two things: on the one hand, in fact, a call to the armed forces not to obey “criminal” orders of the President, on the other hand, the pressure on the Republican party, senators. In the first place, in order that they have renounced the President.

According to the analyst, relevant organizations prepared for such outbursts of “popular anger” at least 2016.

something is natural, something is very organized, but it seems to me that the organization takes precedence over spontaneity.

And the whole point of this to trump declined to run for a second term. “I think it will still be two months to continue until August of this year, when the Convention of the Republicans (Approx.ed. party Republican Convention, scheduled for August 24),” said Mezhuev. In his words, “everything else is absolute rhetoric, because in fact no clear requirements, this so-called peaceful protest is not expressed”.

One of the things that drew the attention of the scientist, is the creation of a universal feeling that the government is running the country, which may be a prerequisite to further escalation.

According to mezhueva, people who hope to become beneficiaries of what is happening, I believe that removing trump from the political scene, they quickly normalize the situation then. But that’s just a big question.

Americans are actually sensitive to lies, they don’t like being deceived. And here deception just oozes from it all.

According to the scientist, everyone knows that “it’s not that someone broke the law, and generally some kind of force is wrong,” and it just “the reluctance of the establishment to not only see this person in the White house for another coupleyear, and that he did not put forward his candidacy for the elections”.

“And this, I think, will be a major blow to the reputation of American democracy… If Watergate was once a strong unpleasant factor, then it will just be perceived as a strong stain on the reputation”, — said Mezhuev.

Another hypothesis that was put forward, a political scientist, is the reluctance of the American establishment to “trump taxiing process” in a situation of “interchange relations with China.”

All the American press — liberal, conservative, and democratic and Republican all agree that a complication with China is long and it seriously.

“It’s a lot of money, this is a huge financial interest, it’s a huge loss that must be compensated, this is a serious economic policy and international policy that must be conducted taking into account the interests of the American elite and with all the global interests. In General, they understand the inevitability of confrontation with China, obviously do not want to trump this process led”, — concluded Boris Mezhuev.