Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in Germany. Many cases could be prevented if more people got preventive care in good time. This is shown once again by the example of a 74-year-old. The reason for his visit to the doctor was a change in his chair.

Around 33,000 men and 28,000 women in Germany develop colon cancer every year. This makes it the third most common cancer in both sexes. The good news: Many cases could be prevented with timely precautions. It is therefore important to take warning signs seriously and to take advantage of the early detection and preventive examinations that are offered.

This is shown once again by the case of a 74-year-old man. Luckily, he took a warning sign very seriously and went to the doctor. “I had very thin stools for days and then suddenly the exact opposite, more like constipation. And this alternates over a few weeks. “There was also a kind of mucus in the stool that wasn’t there before,” he told Bild.

The doctor recommended a colonoscopy. And indeed, during the examination, suspicious tissue was discovered and removed. The result: a two-centimeter tumor in the early stages. The senior doctor emphasized to the newspaper that the 74-year-old had also saved himself from an artificial anus by acting quickly.

A changed stool is an important colon cancer warning sign. The experts at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) emphasize: “Intestinal cancers do not grow overnight, but rather slowly over the course of years. Most of the time you don’t feel it. However, the body sends some warning signs that you should pay attention to.” These include:

Of course, these symptoms can also indicate other, benign intestinal diseases. However, you should consult a doctor if you observe one or more of these symptoms to clarify the cause.

The earlier colon cancer is detected, the better the chances of recovery. Since specific symptoms often do not appear for a long time, early detection and preventive examinations also play a major role. If in doubt, they can save lives.

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In most cases, no single cause for the development of cancer can be identified. There is often a genetic predisposition that cannot be influenced. According to the DKFZ, there are also certain lifestyle factors.

The experts recommend the most important protective factors