Italy is a popular holiday destination. Anyone who sits down in a restaurant or street café here will ask themselves after the meal how much tip is appropriate. Read here whether you should tip at all in Italy and what else you should pay attention to when paying the bill.

No matter whether in a restaurant, in a bar or in a taxi ride: tipping is an omnipresent topic in Germany. However, customers and guests are often unsure how much tip should be given and whether it is even necessary.

In this country, tips are included in many service jobs. For other services, the amount is calculated from the total amount of the invoice. In the catering industry, between 5 and 10 percent of the invoice amount is usual.

Especially when on vacation or abroad, travelers are confronted with the question of whether and how much tipping is expected. In the popular holiday destination of Italy there is a fixed rule that tells you how you should behave.

In Italy it is rather unusual to leave a tip in a restaurant. This is because there is usually an extra charge for cover and bread served, which will be noted as “coperto” on your hospitality receipt. If the service was exceptionally good, you can leave additional money in cash at the table – of course there is no upper limit.

If you are not charged a fee for cover and bread, a maximum tip of five to ten percent is customary. In bars, however, no service payment is expected; taxi rides are usually rounded up.

Note: It is recommended that you give your tip in cash or leave it on the table. Billing by credit or debit card is unusual in Italy.