Gastrointestinal problems, arteriosclerosis, liver problems – these conditions affect millions of people in Germany, which is why they take a lot of medication. But that doesn’t have to be the case, says Franziska Rubin. The doctor complements conventional medicine with naturopathy and sees nutrition as a remedy.

“Everyone already has something in their fridge for most ailments,” says Rubin in an interview with FOCUS Online. “Certain foods can do a lot for our health, both internally and externally.”

For her book “Healing with Food – My Top 10 against 100 Diseases” she has selected the ten food groups that can do the most. She is convinced: “With these ten foods you can save most of your medication.” Because if “someone comes from a good physical situation, they can treat everything with home remedies. The body is stimulated to heal itself.” This is not only easier, but also cheaper than medication from the pharmacy.

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Of course, there are restrictions such as chemotherapy or surgical procedures for which there is no alternative. It is also an exception if people are already sick and dependent on certain medications such as beta blockers.

However, eating better with simple foods is good for everyone. Many also have a positive effect on the psyche.

Franziska Rubin gives an overview of how the ten foods help against common illnesses – internally and externally.

“Oats should be dug out from the depths of the cupboard,” says Franziska Rubin. This is because the grain is so versatile that it kills several birds with one stone. Oats are low in calories, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, and oat bran is considered to prevent colon cancer due to its high fiber content. As a side effect, oats also calm an over-regulating immune system.

Internally: Oats have a particularly calming effect on the intestines. The grain, especially the bran, lowers cholesterol levels. This is primarily due to the fiber, the beta-glucans. Just a few spoonfuls in muesli are enough to arm yourself against metabolic syndrome – the so-called “deadly quartet” of elevated fat and blood sugar levels, obesity and high blood pressure.

Externally: Oats soothe the skin – through baths or treatments, for example, flaky or dry areas. That’s why oat straw is particularly suitable for neurodermatitis sufferers.

By the way, oat tea warms the soul at the same time because it has an anti-anxiety and relaxing effect.

Order “Healing with Food” by Franziska Rubin here on Amazon

“The disinfectant methylglyoxal (MGO) in honey is particularly healing for our body,” explains doctor Rubin and advises: “You should always buy honey directly from the beekeeper or make sure that it has the German Beekeepers Association stamp, otherwise it is usually heated the active ingredients have been lost.”

Internally: scratchy throat? “Simply grating horseradish and mixing it with honey is at least as effective as medicine from the pharmacy when bronchitis begins,” says the expert.

Externally: A honey pad helps with joint problems caused by gout or osteoarthritis. Honey has a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect. “Honey will soon become an integral part of wound care,” says Rubin. “Wounds that are difficult to heal can be treated more quickly, especially with Manuka honey.”

Good to know: Manuka honey is particularly disinfectant, its MGO content varies between 30 and 1000, normal honey has an MGO content of up to 20.

Franziska Rubin is a doctor, presenter and medical journalist. Her heart beats out of conviction for naturopathy. As a TV presenter, she presented the health program “Hauptsache Gesund” on MDR for 17 years.

“For me there is no winter without ginger tea,” reveals the television presenter. It has a warming effect from the inside and is also good for the digestive system. Ginger promotes blood circulation, thins the blood and lowers cholesterol. This prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Internally: “Ginger is good for everyone who wants to do something for the heart and blood vessels,” recommends Franziska Rubin. Drinking ginger water daily will also stabilize your blood sugar.

Externally: Ginger wraps clear your kidneys – and at the same time something for your psyche because they have an anti-anxiety effect.

“The potato is not a fattening product, but rather a healthy one.” Franziska Rubin is enthusiastic about the tuber, which has been demonized for far too long. “It can do a lot more than we think, has few carbohydrates and makes you feel very full.” Potatoes lower blood pressure, diuretics and are anti-inflammatory.

Internally: Anyone who wants to do something good for their gallbladder should have one relief day with potatoes per week – for example with jacket potatoes with low-fat quark (no fries or fried potatoes). This gives the body important proteins and minerals that it can easily absorb. Potato juice also helps against heartburn.

Externally: A layer of hot potatoes wrapped in a cloth retains the heat for a very long time – it relieves constipation, relaxes cystitis or helps against daily stiffness in osteoarthritis.

Depending on the variety, the plants have different focuses. “Most types of cabbage accelerate intestinal transit,” explains Rubin, so they stimulate digestion. “Many act as anti-inflammatory agents and, thanks to the mustard oils they contain, prevent cancer.”

Internally: Kale in particular can be good for the eyes. “The carotenoids it contains are a good prevention against macular degeneration – and if the disease is already present, they can support the treatment,” says the naturopath.

Externally: Wraps with cabbage leaves can be used, for example, to treat tennis elbow – or to alleviate the inflammatory symptoms of wrist arthritis. The doctor advises: cut away the central panicles of the cabbage leaf (nice and cold from the fridge), tap it a little and simply place it on your hand in the evening, secure it with cling film and use it to sit in front of the TV so that the juice can penetrate the joints.

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The spice from Southeast Asia has become a real superstar. “And there are good studies on how it works – this primarily includes anti-inflammatory properties,” says Franziska Rubin. “Since it works against all inflammation in the body, it prevents cancer, which is also caused by inflammatory processes in the body.”

Internally: When three factors come together, turmeric works best – pepper, fat and heat. If you include one to two teaspoons a day in your diet, you will get your dose of curcumin (the yellow coloring of the spice and the main active ingredient).

Externally: A turmeric-honey mask reduces the inflammation caused by acne and improves the complexion. Any yellowish traces can be washed off with milk.

“We should use more oil than we do,” says doctor Rubin. Depending on the variety, it has a lot of talents, so everyone should look for their own oil. Cardiovascular sufferers should eat a teaspoon every day to protect their blood vessels.

Internally: Linseed oil, for example, is good for arthritis sufferers because it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect – and it also helps against phlebitis. Pumpkin seed oil is said to be effective against prostate problems.

Externally: Thyme oil wraps help against emerging bronchitis due to their bronchodilator effect.

“We all need salt. It doesn’t work without it,” explains Franziska Rubin, who particularly appreciates its strong disinfecting effect.

Internally: Slightly salted warm water has an effect when gargling, especially in the throat and throat area. For those suffering from gout, salt socks (socks soaked in brine) can help with pain in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the toes.

Externally: “If you rinse your nose with salt water every day, you won’t get sick in the winter,” the doctor is convinced. “As soon as you notice that your nose is closing, use brine instead of nasal spray.”

What very few people know: “The vitamin C in lemons has a good effect on the skin,” explains Franziska Rubin. The sour fruit is also strong antioxidant and antibacterial. “A lemon is part of your daily meal.”

Internally: A classic is coffee with lemon for headaches. The juice is added to tea (which is no longer too hot) to combat coughs.

Externally: Due to the acidic effect, the lemon is ideal for treating calluses – whether on the elbows or feet.

The main representatives of this category are called onion and garlic. They lower blood pressure because they dilate blood vessels. This in turn protects the vessels and thus against heart attacks and strokes.

Internally: “You can boost your immune system with garlic,” says doctor Rubin. “At the same time, it is anti-cancer because it is anti-inflammatory.” One to four grams of garlic per day is the preventative dose against arteriosclerosis.

Anyone who suffers from cystitis enjoys onion soup – if only to enjoy its antibacterial effect.

Externally: Onions also help with bruises: a pad changes the lymph flow and thereby reduces the swelling in the affected areas.

In short, says Franziska Rubin: “Anyone who wants to prevent illnesses or treat them quickly should always have all of these foods at home.”

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