From our correspondent in Jerusalem

The israeli authorities have taken a month to respond to the assassination by Riyadh journalist and opponent of saudi Jamal Khashoggi. This long silence reflects the disturbance caused in Israel by the case. In a single statement, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has called the November 2 murder of”horrible” and said he “needed to be taken care of as it should be”. “At the same time, it is very important that saudi Arabia remains stable, because Iran is a more important problem”, he immediately added.

” READ ALSO – Israel and the Gulf countries hide less and less their convergence

The position of the israeli government is all the more difficult as the contacts established since 2014 between the State of israel and Riyadh have nothing official, and remain fragile in spite of common strategic interests. The saudi kingdom does not recognize publicly the initiation of a dialogue with its new …

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