A report in The Lancet magazine predicts an alarming increase in prostate cancer cases. Accordingly, the number of cases worldwide is expected to more than double. The number of deaths is also expected to rise dramatically. What symptoms there are.

Around 65,000 men in Germany develop prostate cancer every year. This makes it the most common form of cancer in men in this country. Germany is not alone in this. The specialist magazine “The Lancet” reports on a total of 112 countries in which men most often develop prostate cancer.

A report by “The Lancet Commission” now reveals an alarming development. Accordingly, the number of prostate cancer cases annually is expected to more than double by 2040 and rise to 2.9 million. Based on this, the scientists also predict an increase in prostate cancer deaths from 375,000 to 700,000 – i.e. by 85 percent.

Case numbers and mortality rates are expected to increase, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Low-income countries primarily include African states such as Niger, Senegal and Somalia. In the European context, Albania, Bulgaria and Moldova, for example, are considered middle-income nations.

However, the forecast can only be applied to a limited extent to high-income countries, including many Western European nations such as Germany, but also the Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece. Due to demographic change and increasing life expectancy, the number of cases will also increase in these countries. However, prostate cancer deaths have been declining since the mid-1990s.

“The problem in low- and middle-income countries is that late diagnosis of prostate cancer is the norm,” says James N’Dow, professor and chair of urological surgery at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, who is involved in the “ Lancet” report was involved, in a press release from the institution.

Prostate cancer in men from these countries is often only diagnosed when it has already spread to other regions of the body and formed metastases – often in the bones. The chances of recovery from such advanced prostate cancer are often poor. As with most types of cancer, early diagnosis improves the prognosis and treatment results.

The expert advocates better early detection and diagnostic systems in the relevant countries. Additionally, N’Dow emphasizes, “Improved outreach is needed to better inform people about the key symptoms to look out for and educate people about next steps.”

The following symptoms can indicate prostate cancer, especially if they occur over a long period of time.

The prostate lies below the urinary bladder. If their shape changes, this can affect going to the toilet. Possible complaints are:

The reason for this could be a cancerous tumor that is pressing on the urethra. More common, however, is a benign enlargement of the prostate, which is usually harmless. In both cases, however, you should go to the doctor and have the cause clarified.

Men should also discuss blood or noticeable discoloration in their urine or semen with a doctor. These changes can indicate inflammation or infection, but also a tumor.

A change in the prostate can also become noticeable during sexual intercourse:

If these problems occur over a long period of time you should consult a doctor. Because: “Prostate cancer usually only causes pain when tumor cells have spread beyond the organ,” explains the German Cancer Information Service (DKFZ).

Certain aspects can influence the development of prostate cancer. According to the DKFZ, these include:

There is little reliable information about lifestyle-related risk factors. The World Cancer Research Fund suggests in a report that

increase the risk of prostate cancer.

The five-year relative survival rate for prostate cancer is 91 percent. This means that more than 9 out of 10 men with prostate cancer are still alive five years after diagnosis. The chance of survival depends very much on the stage of the disease.