The new Bachelorette is no stranger. She has already played in “Köln 50667”. From June she will distribute the roses every Wednesday on RTL.
It’s official: Sharon Battiste (30) from Cologne is the new Bachelorette. From June 15 (RTL already from June 8), the 30-year-old can be seen every Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. in the ninth season of the popular RTL show. Fans know Battiste among other things as Bo from “Köln 50667”.
Bachelorette has a dry sense of humor
The trained office clerk has been single for eight years. She is looking for her future partner in Thailand – a novelty on the show. When it comes to the weekly decision as to which of the 20 candidates will receive a rose and thus move on to the next round, one thing is particularly important to her: a large portion of humour. The half-Jamaican has a lot of that herself. She describes participating in “The Bachelorette” to RTL as “the craziest thing I’ve ever done.”
This sets Battiste apart from previous Bachelorettes
In an introduction video on RTL, she proves that she does not lose her sense of humor even in difficult times. She has hair loss due to illness and wears a wig. Battiste explains optimistically that she can “show her different looks” and above all “that you can also be a bachelorette with a wig.” She proudly shows off her versatile hair styles on her Instagram channel.
The actress has absolutely nothing to hide. She impresses with her merciless honesty. So she tells the RTL video frankly: “If I didn’t have Botox under my armpit, I would always have a wet armpit.”
How the candidates can score with Sharon Battiste
If you have nice teeth and can handle a bread knife, you have good cards with the future Bachelorette. Battiste appreciates it when her Mr. Right can make her a cheese sandwich in the evening. In addition, the native of Cologne – who now has 134,000 followers on Instagram – plans to start a family.
In the last season of “The Bachelorette” 2021, Raphael Fasching (24) received the last rose from Maxime Herbord (27). Shortly after the last “Night of the Roses” the two are said to have separated again.