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Signs of chronic diseases: Abdominal pain after alcohol is a serious warning signal from...
If you feel severe stomach pain after just one sip of alcohol, then alarm bells should be ringing. Find out here what health problems could be at the root of this.For most people, alcohol...
“Japan Method”: How to lose weight sustainably – without exercise and without dieting
Do you want to lose weight but don't want to exercise or go on a diet? No problem: With the Japanese method, you can lose weight just by breathing. Read here which trick helps...
Popular products: Eight foods prevent inflammation in the body
Inflammation in the body can damage your health in the long term and cause chronic illness. You can fight inflammation with the right diet. Read here which eight foods you should eat regularly so...
Unpleasant feeling: bloated stomach – simple drink helps against feeling of fullness after eating
If the food simply tastes too good, it can happen that you overindulge. Often, however, this leaves an unpleasant feeling of tension in the stomach. A drink can help to counteract the feeling of...
That’s why so many diets fail: exercise and calories overrated – which factors influence...
It is not the amount of calories or how much exercise we do that determines whether we are slim or fat, lose weight or stay plump despite several diets. Studies show that completely different...
Old and happy: Even though they eat rice and meat, Japanese often live to...
In search of the secret to a long life, nutritionist Malte Rubach came across the inhabitants of the Japanese island of Okinawa. An above-average number of centenarians live here. From them, Rubach learned about...
Cardiologist warns: Exercise does not protect against heart attack if you make a mistake
A healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in preventing cardiovascular disease, with regular physical activity being of great importance. However, research reveals a mistake you should avoid when protecting yourself from heart attacks.During a...
What protects against the disease: Alzheimer’s without noticing it? Mysterious findings puzzle researchers
In Germany alone, around 1.8 million people currently suffer from dementia, most of them from Alzheimer's. But there are also sufferers who show no mental impairment despite the brain deterioration. Researchers are now on...
In the pancreas: More and more people are suffering from the most insidious type...
More and more people are suffering from pancreatic cancer. The disease is insidious and often only becomes noticeable late. A doctor is now warning of the further spread. How you can protect yourself.Over 20,000...
Nutritionist Matthias Riedl: Never count calories again! Stay slim with this 80:20 rule
If you want to lose weight healthily and stay slim, nutritionist Matthias Riedl recommends a “species-appropriate diet”. He lists the six most important rules – and explains how you can easily integrate them into...