Positive indications from the overseas stock exchanges caused the Dax to rise above 14,000 points again on Tuesday. Half an hour after the start of trading, the leading German index rose by 0.92 percent to 14,092.94 points.

Positive indications from the overseas stock exchanges caused the Dax to rise above 14,000 points again on Tuesday. Half an hour after the start of trading, the leading German index rose by 0.92 percent to 14,092.94 points.

The MDax for medium-sized companies rose by 1.27 percent to 29,300.67 points. The Eurozone leading index EuroStoxx 50 gained 0.95 percent to 3720.39 points.

In Asia, there were price gains in the morning, especially in Hong Kong because of the hope that China would relax the corona virus. The US stock exchanges had mostly closed weaker the day before, but were recently valued somewhat higher by broker IG.

In the afternoon, the focus will be on new US economic data. At the beginning of the week, data from China and the Empire State Index, a mood indicator for US industry, disappointed. In contrast, the experts at Landesbank Helaba wrote that retail sales and industrial production data from the USA are not expected to dampen sentiment.

In addition, some companies presented business figures. The truck manufacturer Daimler Truck was able to unexpectedly absorb the burdens in the first quarter thanks to price increases. Business is going so well that the group has raised its annual sales targets despite delivery problems and cost increases and therefore sees better prospects for earnings. With a price increase of almost five percent to 28.38 euros, the shares were among the biggest Dax winners and also marked their highest level since the end of February.

From the MDax of medium-sized German companies, Grand City Properties reported an increase in operating earnings (FFO1) for the start of the year. The residential real estate group is aiming for further growth in the year. Nevertheless, the shares lost more than one and a half percent, taking one of the bottom places in the MDax.

The shares of the industry colleague Adler Group from the SDax small-cap index lost almost two percent. After the company, which was faced with serious allegations, had to write down Consus Real Estate last year, the Consus subsidiary is now threatened with the same fate. Adler said they are aware of their responsibility as the majority shareholder and are fundamentally willing to support measures to strengthen Consus’ equity. A dealer said the news, while not entirely surprising, was still negative.

The Hornbach Holding shares, which have recently recovered significantly, lost more than one percent according to the final figures. The company is becoming more cautious after a successful year. Hornbach, with its hardware store chain, is one of the Corona beneficiaries: During the lockdowns, people rediscovered their homes, so that a trend to beautify and renew your own home developed during the Corona years. The group also benefited from the consistently high demand in the 2021/22 financial year (as of the end of February), as had already become known with the presentation of the key data in mid-March.