Would you like to keep fit? Strength training at home is a good option – also to save on gym costs. With these simple yet effective exercises, you too can do it, with or without additional equipment.

Doing something good for your health is always good, especially if you have fun doing it, because after the age of 25 the body begins to lose muscle mass. That means body fat accumulates more easily. Reason enough to start with your own fitness and muscle building. Strength training is a sensible thing that you can do at home or in the gym to actively keep your body fit and to strengthen your overall movement and posture. Always and everywhere where you can best motivate yourself to train.

If you think now that it’s too late for you, you’re wrong, because it’s never too late to start fitness and exercises for a defined muscle build-up and some weight loss never hurt. The good thing about strength training at home is that it also gives you the opportunity to do many exercises with and without equipment, and it also saves money in the long run that you might otherwise have spent on the gym.

The more often you do your training and the exercises associated with it, the more your body and self-esteem will benefit from it, in addition to your physical fitness. Over time, your strength training at home will become routine, try to keep up the training and keep looking for incentives for new exercises to give variety and avoid boredom in your strength training at home.

Good reasons for private strength training

Strength training at home: effective exercises

With strength training at home, you can finally save yourself a trip to the gym. Even better: no rain in the world will spoil your desire to train, because you no longer need to go out to do exercises at home to promote your muscle building and train your strength and endurance.

The following exercises train the entire body. In addition to the stomach, legs, buttocks, this also includes the back. Expensive equipment does not play a role in your strength training at home. You only need a training mat for your strength training. With the help of dumbbells, you can change the effectiveness and severity of some exercises. But as a beginner, it’s enough if you only train with your own body weight, because that’s unusual and exhausting enough for your body at the beginning. Training hard always pays off, you will see: your strength training at home has a great effect, above all your fitness and your body will more than benefit from it.

Important in advance:

Muscles worked: Hamstrings and glutes

Trained muscles: the entire abdomen

Muscles worked: Hamstrings, glutes and lower back

Trained muscles: the whole body

Muscles worked: Core muscles

Muscles worked: upper back

Trained muscles: the whole body

Strength training at home with equipment

Do you want to expand your strength training at home with suitable equipment and make your training even more effective? Then these devices are just right for you and your fitness:

Fitness Tracker: With heart rate measurement, you can better track your calorie consumption, optimize your training and uncover health trends. The fitness tracker shows you your calorie consumption and the steps you have taken during the day at any time, even during and after strength training at home. A great device for anyone who would like to keep an eye on their fitness.

Kettlebells: Bring kettlebells into your strength training at home, you can train your strength and endurance, speed, mobility and coordination skills. The kettlebells can be incorporated into various exercises super quickly and easily.

Resistance Band: With the all-round talent among the devices, you can train almost anything, whether tri- or biceps, back, legs, bottom or shoulders. The resistance band is super easy to use for strength training at home.

Gymnastic ball: Gymnastic balls are particularly suitable for training abdominal muscles at home or for adopting a healthy posture with the body while working.

Push-up grips: Push-up grips are a super gentle alternative for exercises such as push-ups, which people like to do a lot in strength training at home, for everyone who has problems or little strength in their wrists.

Vibration Plate: The vibration plate activates the deeper muscles in the body during strength training at home and reduces body fat.

Blackroll: A blackroll is a miracle and healing remedy for tension and adhesions in the muscles or fascia. A popular device – even away from strength training at home.

Note: This article first appeared on brigitte.de

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