The Cologne public Prosecutor has brought criminal charges against the former Boxing world champion Felix Sturm. A spokesman for the Cologne regional court confirmed on Wednesday the German press Agency that the indictment had been served with the points of “self-doping, participation in a Competition under the self-doping and dangerous bodily injury” storm. The “Sport Bild” (Wednesday) had first reported about the process.

the storm was following his last fight on 20. February 2016 against the Russians Fyodor Tschudinow positive for the anabolic steroid Hydroxy-Stanozolol has been tested. According to the indictment, Tschudinow have taken part in the fight against the storm under the condition that equality of opportunity exists. Now, if a gedopter Boxer standing in the Ring and the opponents in the duel of damage, there is the offence of dangerous bodily injury.

The chamber has not yet decided whether and what charges the main points of the proceedings. In the case of grievous bodily harm in the criminal context is, according to a court spokesman between six months and ten years in prison. In the case of self-doping, a monetary penalty is up to three years deprivation of liberty.

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