The police have made fresh according to the report, at least 145 exercise or sports-related crime, report of suspected sexual crimes in 2016 and 2017.The suspect of a sexual assault victim most often had the young girl. Eriika Ahopelto/AL

Inland Finland police department senior detective of the Antti Turpeinen the police university of applied sciences made by the thesis is in Finland, the first of its kind. The thesis deals with the police of suspected sex crimes, physical exercise and sports hobbies in 2016-2017.

Turpeinen told the evening newspaper, that the work was born from the need to find out the police notified physical education and sport of suspected sexual crime rate nationwide. Topic selection also affected the Metoo campaign.

–investigation of violent and sexual crime stories for a living. Recently, the media has raised a lot of raised sport event of sexual offences and subject, arouse interest, Turpeinen said.

the Suspects are men, the victims women

Turpeinen was a total through 627. Notice the threshold of the border suspected of sex crimes to find the used keywords physical education and sport a total of 145 pieces of 20 different species. These 48 notice joined the sports competition and leisure activities, and 97 notice of non-organized physical activity.

–Cases is in my opinion quite a lot. Through my work it is known that sport and physical activity a couple in these sex crime suspects. I believe that this is only part of the total amount, and sexual crimes is, in reality, more, Turpeinen says.

the revelations were a total of 177 sexual offences. Offences often occur in child sexual abuse. Most of the victims were aged under 16 years of age.

the Thesis shows that the crime of the suspects 189 were men and only five women. Three cases of the crime suspect’s gender was not known. The places where sex crimes occurred, were most often the swimming pool or gym.

the Suspect of a sexual assault victim would most often have been women. The criminal notices the victim of a crime in 2016 and 2017 had been informed of the woman 114 times and man 45 times.

”the proportion of Men suspected factors is considerable. A woman suspects a small percentage can tell me about it, that women are often not sexual crimes, or the fact that a woman is suspected of a sexual assault reporting threshold is higher than that made by a man”, Turpeinen write a thesis.

the issue of coverage first, Yle.