“The revolution will not be televised”, sang the american poet Gil Scott-Heron in the 1970s. Four decades later, while thunders of the wrath of the Yellow vests, Jean-Luc Mélenchon thinks exactly the opposite. The civic revolution that the leader of France insubordinate (BIA) calls could rely on his own tv channel : Channel FI.

on Tuesday evening, in front of sixty people met in a café in the park of the Villette, in Paris, the member of parliament for Marseille presented it as a “political event” the new version of the site launched in April 2018. It aggregates video content that is scattered so far on the social networks and Youtube channels of the figures of the movement. Developed in-house, the built-in player on the site allows you to broadcast continuously a grid of programs. Will be offered documentaries, reports, and testimonies. “Machine learning”, according to the tenor BIA. Soon, reporters untamed will be trained in the writing video, from the script to the distribution.

“neither independent, Nor objective, but it linked to France insubordinate”

The site will also host the creations of humorous Youtubers members or close friends of France insubordinate, such as Cemil or Studio Crapulax, present during the evening. “This is to bring to life something bearable. Myself, I don’t like the pure exercise of propaganda,” warned Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

No question, however, to defend a line other than that of the movement. While the national Assembly has just adopted the law on “Fake news,” the ex-presidential candidate shows the color of : “Channel FI is neither independent nor objective, it is linked to France insubordinate. You will take a look at if you are interested to know how its members see the news.” A way of taking its distances with the adventure failure of the Media, under the gaze of his co-founder, Sophia Chikirou, now in charge of the communication of BIA for the european. “There was a problem of timing between several initiatives, but I’ve always been set on one of BIA”, states Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Around the system-official media remains an obsession with him first to avoid “cramming”. Especially in the periods of popular mobilization, such as that of the yellow vests, actively supported by the Dissenters. “It has been found last Saturday, we lack the tool to be on the dams with the people, not to show off but simply to know, to understand states of mind, ways of feeling”, writes the leader of rebellious.

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Sophia Chikirou not moved by the journalists affected The Media, season 2: after the chaos, an uncertain future Mélenchon, “man of letters” but also “numbers,”

Which place great hopes in the “initial phase of civic revolution”, which opened on 17 November. An irreversible momentum, according to him. “All these people have saw that day the brand, educates them,” explains Jean-Luc Mélenchon. They have understood that it is the party in the media, with one end to the other of the sphere of mainstream, the same words, the same images repeated in a loop to make an opinion. This mass is discovered the magnitude of the daily handling.” With Channel FI, this awakening of the people now has its voice.