The religious man in the 40-years complained about the school and the Nav in for the Tribunal, because he couldn’t continue in an engagement as an assistant at the school and AKS.

the Reason was that he, for religious reasons, refused to shake hands with women.

Now has the Tribunal concluded: the School discriminated against not assistant when the school is not extended engagement.

If one were to ascribe conservative practices within a religion critical weight, this would be unfortunate for a desired development. The background for that equality as an ideal is so strong in Norway, among other things, that religious conservatism has had to give way by the conflict, ” says nemndleder Ivar Danielsen.

Oslo municipality is satisfied with the committee’s conclusion.

– In osloskolen, there is a focus on that persons employed in the school shall not act discriminatory. Here was one who wanted to discriminate against people on the basis of gender, ” says kommuneadvokat Atle Torvund.

Problem for the school

I am glad that the committee states that we do not have discriminated against the man. We are committed to be a serious employer, who treats the workers properly. When one comes up in a difficult dilemma, it is good to get confirmed that the school have acted correctly, ” says principal Nina Jutkvam by Ekeberg school to NRK today.

It was the Daily newspaper that mentioned the matter first, in august. The school was aware that the man didn’t shook hands with women when they staff him in april of last year, but wanted to give him work experience.

the school administration will eventually have received several complaints from female fellow teachers who felt offended that the man would not take them in your hand.

Complained to the committee

finally, The specific school that the man did not continue to work with them, if he did not change his practice. The man thought that this was unreasonable and complained about school and the Nav in for the Tribunal.

the Man, who has so far only spoken out to the Daily in the summer, said even, this is about why he will not shake hands with women:

– People think it is because I look down on women, but I try not to be insane with anyone at all. The idea is to create fewer temptations. My understanding of islam is that this is a prohibition from the Prophet – peace be upon him – and then I’m following it.

< p> the Committee believes that Nav discriminated against, the district, sorry

Complaints against the school, the Nav has been treated as two cases in the committee.

In the case against the Nav has discrimination tribunal majority concluded the opposite of what they did in the case of the Oslo-school: “the Committee (find) that the Register of statements, including nav’s oral explanation to the vikarlæreren on where the assistance originates from; “It is from tax dollars, from vinmonopolet, from grisebønder, from shops that sell alcohol. So it’s not an option either since you are so religious.”, etc., is characterized by prejudice and direct discrimination.”

Before the committee treated this matter, had the Nav even reversed the denial and paid the full sosialstønad.

the District where the Nav office is located, taking the committee’s conclusion to the intelligence.

We apologize for the way we have pronounced ourselves on the Nav in this case, ” says Tore Olsen Pran, bydelsdirektør in the district of Old Oslo.

– It seems to me unfortunate. I don’t think that was what was intended from the Nav staff. We review how we talk to our users, and it should be better, I’m completely confident, ” says Pran to NRK.