Columnists Philip Freriks and Alexander Münninghoff had to leave in the OVT, because the editors-in-chief of the program wanted to rejuvenate. That sets medecolumnist John Jansen van Galen on the website of the radio program With the eye on tomorrow.

“I’m neatly called by the editor-in-chief who said: we are going to rejuvenate, and we say goodbye to Philip Freriks and Alexander Münninghoff. But you and Nelleke Noordervliet may continue,” says Jansen van Galen. Why the 78-year-old columnist allowed to remain and his colleagues of 74 the field had to clean up, he does not know.

Freriks, can this version of the course of events if requested not to confirm. “I have’t heard anything since that preliminary conversation about a possible departure in march, so it would be best,” says the award-winning presenter. “I have an e-mail had of Alexander that this statement might indicate.”

Freriks, and the VPRO have Monday had contact to the incident of Sunday to talk. The columnist heard during the live broadcast that he was dismissed. The editors of OVT was Monday not be reached for comment on the statements of Jansen van Galen.

It is not the first time that there is noise is because a radiocoryfee because of his age, the field must be clean up. Earlier this autumn there was a lot of commotion after BNNVARA Felix Meurders the avenue from wanted to send as a presenter of the popular program Nails with Heads. This decision was eventually reversed.

76 Philip Freriks hear live that it is his last column was