On the penultimate day of the trial, Johnny Depp’s lawyers put an expert on the witness stand who charged Amber Heard. Your evidence photos have been edited.

Evidence photos showing Amber Heard with redness on her face have been pre-edited, according to an expert. Johnny Depp’s lawyers put Bryan Neumeister on the witness stand on Wednesday and had him examine photos. The digital forensic scientist came to the conclusion that Photoshop was used on the images. “Sizes and colors have been changed,” Neumeister testified under oath, blaming Amber Heard.

They stated that they had not used any image editing programs for the photos. The expert showed comparisons of the images: the redness is visible on all versions, but it is more evident in the processed variants. When asked if he thought Heard deliberately manipulated the images, he simply said, “I can only speak of the fact that they were edited.”

Johnny Depp’s viral kitchen video is also said to have been edited

A video published by the gossip portal “TMZ” and showing Johnny Depp rampaging in a kitchen also raised questions: a former employee of the website testified in court that an edited version of it had been sent to him anonymously. In the version played in court, you can still see Heard setting up the camera and then looking into the camera and apparently giggling. These parts were missing in the variant that went online at the time. “TMZ” did not edit the video, the witness said.

The civil lawsuit between ex-husbands Depp and Heard, which has been going on for six weeks, is in its final stages. Closing arguments are expected on Thursday, after which the case will go to the jury. In his civil lawsuit, Depp alleges that his ex-wife made false statements in a 2018 op-ed about domestic violence published by the Washington Post. This damaged his reputation. Depp is suing for around 50 million dollars (a good 46 million euros) in damages for defamation, Heard has filed a counterclaim for 100 million dollars.