The world of the post-cold war era is dying, and the United States are counting on him to deliver the coup de grace, despite the protests of europe. Donald Trump had used his european allies in a foreign policy erratic, back-and-forth lightning (Nato), obsessions ideological (on Iran) and tweets raging. In a speech disruptive and antidiplomatique that was a real slap in the face for Europe, the american secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, attempted to place the foreign policy decisions of Donald Trump in a coherent political program, Tuesday at the German Marshall Fund (GMF) in Brussels.

” READ ALSO – Usa: the irresistible rise of Mike Pompeo

“This is the first time that a senior u.s. official formula in terms intelligible what could be a doctrine to Trump,” says a French diplomat in Brussels. In the enclosure of the transatlantisme, in front of Europeans still attached to international agreements …

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