today is ”Black Friday” all over the world. A new global konsumtionsdag, not linked to holidays like christmas, easter, new year or Any helgona. No, now consumption has itself received its own day of celebration. The party is once a year to get the hang of the lock to the shops that sell tokbilliga stuff. What every marketer knows is, of course, that people are tempted to buy things you do not need. The clock is ticking, tomorrow is too late. So, we are buying us more stuff that can fill the already overcrowded cabinets and cellar storage area, at the same time, as we all know that we live in a time of climate change, growing mountains of rubbish and the sea full of plastic packaging. It is no other than fitting that this Friday, the bears of sorrow color.

10000 homes have burned down in the California

The over-consumption that goes on in the rich part of the world threatens concretely, our lives. When I clicked away the ads for superbilliga flat-screen tvs, I read the news online. Huge forest fire is raging is still in California in the united states. They have at the time of writing claimed at least 86 lives. Over 10,000 homes have burned down. People telling about how they are forced to throw themselves into the car and leave everything they own. Brandsäsongen in California have been extreme, but there is much to suggest that the extreme is the new normal. Of the ten most destructive fires in California history, six have occurred in the last three years.

to Regulate the people’s air travel in a passbook

the price of feed explodes in Sweden.

only a month ago, the parties on the continuous band around the northern hemisphere. July was by far the hottest ever in many places in Sweden. Capital has now reduced the risk of forest fires, but the farmers are still suffering from the lost harvests. The price of feed has exploded after the kruttorra, scorching summer. The queue to the slaughterhouse is long.

The who does not sing in the klimatkören brännmärks

alarm bells around the world

And the extreme väderhändelserna continues. In Venice, Italy, is the water one and a half feet above normal after heavy rainstorms. The whole of this world heritage site are at risk to drop when future extreme weather and rising sea levels are eating up the medieval house fronts, inch by inch.

On the island of Tenerife beats extreme ocean waves break strandhotellens balconies. On Mallorca, was killed a few weeks ago ten people after the devastation caused by extreme rainfall. Australia has experienced extreme drought, long before even the summer.

So I was wasting the state off our billion –and the environment

Your demand produces emissions abroad

Climate change is here and now. The emissions generated in Sweden, although it has declined in recent decades. But if you’re counting in the emissions caused by the consumption of things that are manufactured abroad, so the picture becomes an entirely different, then the emissions are about as high as they were in the 90’s.

If we are to succeed in curbing climate change, in due time, all discharges reduce. Therefore, the green Party pushed through Sweden to start measuring the total emissions, including those created by the gadgets manufactured overseas, or travel by air to other countries. The next step will be to also set goals for how much these emissions will be reduce, it is an absolute necessity if we are to avoid a future klimatkollaps.

Climate do not have the time with Fridolins misrepresentation

Here we are now. The earth’s alarm bells are roaring in the running, at the same time as billions are spent to turn our attention in another direction. Consume you happy. Allay fears with a really good bargain, a black and depressing Friday. Time and time again we are faced with the message that we are mainly consumers. As if it would be our most important role. But nothing can be more wrong.

Let this black day be the turnaround

Astronauts who have seen earth from have described how they suffered from an insight: that the earth is mankind’s craft, our only mothership in space. And mankind is not only the passengers on the ship, without the crew. Just the way it is. It is high time to start taking responsibility for our future. Facing this black day to be the day when you take command, and helps our entire planet.

It is your and my most important role.

a Spokesperson for the Miljöpartiet de gröna