Nuts have according to the study to eat three times a week.The video describes how sleep disorders affect the cardiovascular disease risks.

Heart journal published the study on the basis of nuts three times a week eat got sick of atrial fibrillation approximately 20% less likely than participants who didn’t eat them ever. Atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia.

Nuts once or twice a week eating also had beneficial effects, but they were clearly smaller.

Also, the risk of heart failure decreased to 1-2 times a week nuts eaters around 20%.

Nuts regular eating is combined with the favourable cardiac effects in the past, but studies have rarely examined individual heart symptoms and diseases.

in This study, atrial fibrillation and heart failure in addition to nuts do not reduce their other heart symptoms or diseases. If this is true, nuts heart benefits may be even more limited.

the Study followed 61 000 Swedish adults for 17 years.

studies have less frequently been examined in the nuts contact the individual to heart disease. Mostphotos

Nuts healthy fats may help to explain the health effects, but some of the common can be caused a lot of nuts using other ways of life. Nuts regularly enjoy are often already health conscious.

atrial Fibrillation is the most common rhythm disturbances. It affects one in ten over 65-year-old.

atrial Fibrillation enlarge the particular cerebrovascular accident of hazard and cause, inter alia, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and fatigue.

Source: the news service Duodecim