Thomas A. Vilgis experiments with food, always looking for new flavors. This makes for unusual, but unusually tasty new combinations. A recipe from his new cookbook.

Thomas A. Vilgis is actually a physicist. One who explores the soft matter. But he is also a researcher of pleasure, always on the lookout for new flavors. He doesn’t shy away from anything in the kitchen. Nearly nothing. Testicles and 1000-year-old Chinese eggs may not frighten Vilgis, but meat alternatives compressed from plant substances can. “Too highly processed,” revealed the passionate hobby cook in the stern interview. Instead, he prefers to combine red cabbage, grapes and cucumber with the soup. How does that taste? Try it. Here comes a fresh, summery recipe from his new cookbook “Der Genussforscher: With unusual recipes for unimagined taste experiences – molecular cuisine”.

Grape Cucumber Soup



Drain the yoghurt in a fine sieve. Halve the grapes and marinate in the sweet wine for about 20 minutes. Then remove, drain and reduce the grape marinade in a small saucepan until the liquid thickens slightly.

Wash the cucumber, cut into small pieces and juice with the peel. Mix the vodka into the cucumber juice and thicken slightly with xanthan gum. Finely weigh the tarragon and mix with the drained yoghurt. Stir in the marinade reduction.

Pour the yoghurt into deep dessert bowls, arrange the grapes on top and drizzle with the slightly thickened cucumber and vodka juice.


Drink the dessert wine that has already been opened for it. Incidentally, many yoghurts from the supermarket are stirred and always look slightly runny. These should be drained in a cloth. On some markets, however, producers and direct marketers also sell yoghurts that have a rather chunky, almost gelled structure – then draining is not necessary.

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