Eldstebroren is in the Oslo district court sentenced to seven years in prison, while his two year younger brother got three and a half years in prison, according to the judgment which was delivered before the weekend. Eldstebroren is convicted on all eleven counts in the indictment, yngstebroren on four of the five tiltalepunkter.

Yngstebroren get two years of his imprisonment made conditional.

Threatened girl with knife

The most serious the relationship was a gross rape of a 15-year-old girl at Torshov in Oslo. The elder brother threatened to dismember and kill the girl with a knife if she did not do as he said. While the rape was happening, kept the younger brother with a knife towards a peers, a boy who was together with the girl, beat him and threatened to stab him.

It was the Document.now, as talked about judgment first.

Both brothers are sentenced for multiple conditions related to this incident, while the elder brother also is convicted of a voldtektsforsøk, blotting and insulting behavior towards others offended. Both have to pay 250.000 dollars in compensation for damages to the girl, while his friend is awarded reparation on 175.000.

Not previously punished

the Brothers are Norwegian citizens of somali origin. None of them are previously convicted in Norway. The youngest brother was 16 years old when the rape took place, which is a mitigating circumstance for the court, and he gets a half-year strafferabatt. The court in straffeutmålingspremissene that the older brother was relatively young when the relationship took place.

A third brother was two weeks ago sentenced to four years imprisonment, of which three years is made conditional, for the rape of a 14-year-old girl, as well as aggravated robbery. The nå16-year-old boy was 15 years old when the scene took place. the