The Dutchman first agreed when he was offered a game show on private German television. Then he asked what it was all about, he says.

RTL veteran Harry Wijnvoord (73) still has vivid memories of the moment he was discovered for television. “That happened in Hollywood,” said the entertainer on Friday of the German Press Agency in the run-up to the “Golden Sun Special” gala on the sonnenklar.TV channel.

The show celebrating the 40th anniversary of private television in Germany will be celebrated in Essen on July 2nd. It was originally planned for 2021 and was postponed due to Corona.

“Hey, you’re a guy! I can imagine you very well in a show that I just bought for RTL, »said RTL entertainment boss Jochen Filser to him. «To which I said yes, but immediately asked the counter question: “What is a game show?” I didn’t know what that meant.” Nevertheless, he said yes first. In 1989, Wijnvoord started at “The price is hot”. After a break, the Dutchman is active again with the RTL show.

“It’s always interesting,” said the 73-year-old about the momentous decision from back then. «And to be asked for TV! I didn’t even apply.” At that time, Wijnvoord was still working in the tourism industry. “I was with a group of media professionals to show them Hollywood, Los Angeles and a four-day cruise.” And so he “had the pleasure” of getting to know his discoverer.