The American writer sets new priorities. He even wants to give up his job for this, he says.

US bestselling author Don Winslow (68) says he has stopped writing and only wants to devote his life to fighting ex-President Donald Trump.

Trump is a “would-be dictator, a fascist who, when he was voted out, tried to take this power back with a coup d’etat,” said the writer (“Days of the Dead”, “Kings of Cool”, “Das cartel») of the «Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung».

The Trump side does not shy away from violent attacks, but the other side does: “Unfortunately, the Democratic Party sometimes hesitates to really hit back. Not me.” The end of his life as a writer was hard for him, said Winslow: “It’s hard for me to put all that behind me, but you can’t always choose in which times you live and what tasks arise for you .»