
The grand cycle of commemorations of the centenary of the Armistice ending Sunday by the forum of Paris for the peace at the Grande halle de La Villette. From 11 to 13 November, this international mini-summit will...
As any senior member of a company will know, handling personal relations in the modern world isn’t always easy.With social media adding fuel to the fire, your positive reputation can be ruined in an instant.This isn’t helped by sensationalist...
Since the submission of its draft agreement on the Brexit Wednesday, 14 November, Theresa May is plunged into a violent political turmoil. The first british minister is fighting once again to save his head in the face...
LE FIGARO. - You come to inaugurate the first innovation Forum defense. What concrete results do you expect in this area? Florence PARLY. - This ministry has always been concerned about...
Some of Manfred Baumann no one has to prove. He has his Status as a respected photographer. His works have been presented on several continents in exhibitions. His photographs have been published worldwide in such prestigious publications...
In Germany is almost threatened a fifth of the people of poverty or social exclusion. In the year 2017, the proportion was, according to the Federal statistical office, at 19 percent, equivalent to about 15.5 million people....
Pakistan's Supreme court has lifted the death sentence against a blasphemy convicted Christian woman. The judge in Islamabad ordered the immediate release of Asia Bibi, as her lawyer Saiful said Malook and Pakistani media reported. The prosecution...
The joy was short-lived. Asia Bibi, believed to be able to fly to Paris, London, Montreal, the Court of cassation, having pardoned on 31 October after eight years of waiting and two death sentences. But the nightmare...
LE FIGARO. - The democrats prevail in the house of representatives, but the republicans reinforce to the Senate. Can we really speak of the wave in blue? Vincent MICHELOT. - The...
Jim Jones had a dream could not be more noble: to bring together the Black and the White, in full America segregated. Put an end to racism, to make people happy, heal them, help them. These pious...

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