The decline of the middle class threatens the country's economy
Zoff between Schalke and the "Sky"-expert Dietmar Hamann: the Manager of The Royal Blues, Christian Heidel, has reacted with incomprehension and irony to the harsh criticism of Hamann. "I don't know what was going on with Hamann,"...
even Though you have slept well, you feel tired during the day and powerless? This can have different causes. The most surprising to do with lack of sleep. tired all the time? Eight possible reasons ...
But it can really help low-income families with children
Contents page 1 — health insurance App Vivy had potentially significant security vulnerabilities page 2 — Was the risk real or only hypothetical? On a page little people worry so much as to your health. Perhaps similar to...
Contents page 1 — The human being has this landscape made page 2 And the less prominent Studio employees toil On a page read Slowly, the view is free on a green valley between the hills, you see...
In the meeting room in the 37. Floor of the Capital Tower in Singapore, it is freezing cold. A five-Meter-high Windows, I see the flickering streets, and sweaty people deeply under me as if on a screen....
From a "massive mob of approximately 100 persons from the Arab and/or Turkish/Kurdish culture," wrote the "Bild am Sonntag" (BamS), relying on "internal police reports". the police has confirmed that it has used its own...
Used in FTS technologies him are now going to apply to the government
The Kiron-University wants to bypass the bureaucracy.Regardless of your German language skills and your residency status, refugees are not allowed to register here. Still, it sounds like an Experiment to implement the 25-year-old Markus Kessler and his Partner....