Contents page 1 — In the feel-good Arena page 2 — How emotionality in the policy of abuse, page 3 is needed — desire is not in the policy, implement it On a page

read some time Ago, the BBC produced a somewhat lurid, but informative documentary that Chronicles the insights of depth psychology were first in advertising and then in politics. The us today are so familiar with advertising strategies, which aim to sell a Lifestyle, to put the desires of a Soseins in the world and to nourish (think, for example, to the Marlboro Man), are there traced to their origin, the gifted inventor of Public Relations, Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud. But it also tells how these strategies can be found in the policy, in the course of the 20th century. Century, were negotiated from a Arena, in the political interests, in a space transformed, in which the choice of the people, a “to Be” instead of “Having” was promised.

Bernadette Grubner works as a literature researcher at the FU Berlin and thinks about literature, psychoanalysis and theories of sexual difference. Currently, she is conducting research at Yale University for the term history of enjoying. She is a guest author of “10 to 8”. © private

The policy started in to market feelings and the real political business done, the actual decisions with a material impact – so to speak, by the way. The strategy worked, because in fact, the so-called Realpolitik for the choice was less and less of a role. Today, it is striking how little people in their choice of a political party of rational Considerations, and even from their material interests. For example, the Austrian ÖVP-FPÖ-government with a tax reform points, which is only a very small part of the FPÖ-voters uses the inside. Much more important was that the parties mediated the feeling that they are on the side of the “small”, “normal”, “righteous” people, then what do you mean, specifically: the *white* consumer inner layer with low or middle income.

The Space a feeling-centered policy – a policy which primarily targets the feelings of the voters (discussed, seriously, manipulated, and in this sense, decisions) – it is possible to a breathtaking extent, on global issues, where it comes to health and Survival, set aside, and to have Global players from business and industry to operate uninhibited. This relates to issues of social justice to the question of how ever to be produced. It relates to substantial questions of Ecology and climate change policy and the gender hierarchy, where reproductive and material participation to the debate.

submit and you will be happy

In these respects, a policy of feelings acts meanly as an Instrument of pacification: by providing enjoyment and satisfaction in the view, based on a voluntary submission. This dynamic has long been recognized by all political camps. They are found in, for example, in the careful rhetoric of non-discrimination, which has become in some Parts of the United States. A Kindergarten, holding on to something, and much to its cultural diversity is, for example, for “skin color awareness”. Thus, all Parties are highly satisfied. That fees in the amount of thousands of Dollars that parents pay to send their children to these institutions, not only Low paid, but due to the Ethnicization of social Segregation, even People of Color structurally exclude the device completely from view. It is simply not an issue.

Now, many emancipatory movements challenge – of feminist currents, and LGBTQ initiatives to anti-racist groups for some time a greater consideration of Vulnerability. You it comes to recognition and appreciation of cultural diversity and differences. You put in a careful language, and compensation instruments that eliminate imbalances, such as ‘ lists referenced Speech, or of the reflection of their own privileges.

Infobox 10 by 8 “10 by 8”

women’s writing. In this column, in the evening, 10 to 8, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, political, poetic, polemic.

We, the editors of 10 to 8, are a versatile and convertible author collective. We find that our society needs more female voices in the Public sphere. We think that these voices should be divers. We represent no ideology and are not of the same opinion. But we do think feminism is important, because justice in society for all of us. We would like to share with our readers. And with our Guest authors.

Here you will find all the texts that appear 10 to 8.