The Japanese government of the Russian Federation made a representation in connection with the geological study in the Okhotsk sea, which should be conducted including in the waters near the southern Kurils. This was announced by the Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga.
The turnout on the online voting on amendments to the Constitution reached 50,94 per cent. This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Public chamber of Moscow Alexei Venediktov. "Crossed the equator (606 electors)", - he noted.
In the United States will soon announce a new date for the meeting of representatives of Serbia and Kosovo. Negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina had to go this Saturday in Washington, but the head of the Kosovo government has said it will not come to them.
The state Duma proposes to revise the assessment of the most controversial historical document of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The author of the initiative Deputy Alexei Zhuravlev said that the decision of 1989 was made under pressure and too demonize the document.
France, Germany and Italy appealed to the parties to the conflict in Libya and the foreign players to immediately cease hostilities in the territory of the state.
Voting on amendments to the Constitution began. It'll only last until July 1, inclusive. In Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod you can do everything online. What security measures are taken?
The Hague Prosecutor has charged the head of the Republic of Kosovo Hashim Thaci. He is suspected of mass murders, kidnappings and organ trafficking. Because of this, Thaci and the Kosovo Prime Minister Hoti has refused to go for talks with the authorities of Serbia in Washington. What is the probability that Thaci, who is called "bloody butcher", instead of the high offices will be in prison?
Warsaw should be aware of the costs of obtaining the status of a "frontline state", including for its security. So the Russian foreign Ministry commented on U.S. plans to shift some troops from Germany to Poland. Sensational decision of the us leader Donald trump announced at a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda.
On 25 June, Russia began voting, in which citizens should Express their attitude to the amendments to the Constitution. Across the country, has opened nearly 100 thousand plots on which for another six days it will be possible to make a choice. In addition, in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod region could allow remote voting via the Internet.
The US economy in the first quarter of 2020 decreased by 5% compared to the same period last year, according to Thursday's final, the Ministry of Commerce of the United States. And the expected deterioration of the situation.

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